Contact the project group
Information boards
Hubert Grabner
Anton Eggl
Niederhof & Eggl Wohnhaus
Romed Plank
Hallein City Stories
At the beginning of 2012, the City of Hallein launched an initiative to bring personalities, monuments, history and stories of this city closer to the population.
Information boards
At certain objects in our town, personalities as well as cultural monuments and stories and history of Hallein worth telling are to be pointed out. This information can be found on the homepages of the city of Hallein at www.hallein.at/stadtgeschichten and of the Museum of the Celts Hallein, which will permanently accompany this project.
Taking part in the history of the city is intended
The people of Hallein are invited to take an active part in telling their city story(s) by providing the project with special information, stories and knowledge about personalities and buildings of the old town or documents, records and photographic material for digital processing.
The project aims to increase awareness of one's own city, to recognise its rich cultural heritage and to learn to appreciate its special features.